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Photography is the science, art, application and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material.

Celý svoj život športujem no s fotením som začal pomerne neskoro, čo je škoda a všetko to čo som zameškal si teraz vynahrádzam a fotím všetko čo sa pohne. A hlavne šport ( CROSSFIT ). Je nesmierne dôležité vedieť sa vtíciť do role športovca, vedieť dobre zachytiť, vystihnúť a zvečniť tie najdôležitejšie momenty, stvárniť pohyb, emóciu, napätie a atmosféru momentu. Viac ako dva roky fotím na Slovensku a v ČR, posledný rok intenzívnejšie aj v rámci Európy eventy, crossfit boxy a všetko čo súvisí s CROSSFITom. Sám cvičím a milujem tento krásny šport. Okrem fotenia športu, na ktorý sa špecializujem fotím firemné akcie, eventy, marketingové akcie, svadby a v neposlednom rade sa venujem aj produktovej fotografii. V prípade záujmu o spoluprácu somnou mi prosím napíšte správu alebo navštívte môj FB alebo INSTAGRAM. 

Meet StevieD Photography

My name is Stefan Drgon. I´ve been doing sports my entire life. 

I have developed an interest in photography couple years ago, thus all I have missed over the past years I try to  catch up now and I literally photograph everything moving around. I specialize primarily in the sport  photography (CROSSFIT). I´ve been doing crossfit myself and I love this beautiful sport. 

It is extremely important to know to put yourself into the role of the athlete, how to capture and pick the right moment, document the most epic moments, imagine the movement, emotion, excitement, etc. I get to bring people happiness and joy from the moments of their lifes with my photos. I have been shooting crossfit events, crossfit boxes and everything in relation to CROSSFIT in Slovakia and the Czech Republic for more than two years, last year more intensive within the Europe as well. 

In addition I photograph company events, marketing events, weddings  and products.

I absolutely love doing photography, I hope this is reflected in what you see throughout my website. For Photography inquiries: please email me at stevodrgoncio@gmail.com


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Phone: +421 915 918 197
Email: stevodrgoncio@gmail.com